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Aim Bot

Get ready for headshot glory with a pixel-based aim bot

Aim Bot image


Looks for a target and when found moves the crosshair to it then presses the left mouse button to fire the weapon.

Download (172 KB)


After importing the Profile into Chimpeon, one or more of the following changes may need to be made before it works.

The name of the game to aim bot in "Aim Bot" Profile
Send To setting
The position and size of the area to look for a target "Find Target" Trigger
"Find Target" Condition
Process setting
Pixel Detection option
Variable (Scan Area) Top, Left, Bottom and Right settings
The colour of the pixel to look for in a target "Find Target" Trigger
"Find Target" Condition
Process setting
Pixel Detection option
Colour Range setting
The colour of the pixel to look for in a target "Shoot Target" Trigger
"Shoot Target" Condition
Process setting
Pixel Detection option
Colour Range setting
Multipliers for moving the cursor to the target "Find Target" Trigger
"Move to Target" Action
Perform setting
Keys/Mouse option
Multiplier X and Multiplier Y settings
Offets for moving the cursor to the target "Find Target" Trigger

"Move to Target" Action
Perform setting
Keys/Mouse option
Offset X and Offset Y settings


Import Instructions

  1. Click the download link above to download
  2. Click the Import Profile button (Import Profile button) in the Profiles panel.
  3. In the Import Profile window, locate then click it to select it.
  4. Click the Open button to close the Import Profile window and import the Profile.
UPDATED: 15 May 2021

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