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Configuring a Priority Combat Rotation

If your combat rotation is priority based then read this guide to discover how easy it is to automate it

Configuring a Priority Combat Rotation image

Some MMORPGs support combat rotation addons that enable you to easily configure Chimpeon to automate your play. However, other MMORPGs do not, so configuring a combat rotation becomes more difficult. This is where a little known Chimpeon feature called Reset Thread Loop comes into play.

Reset Thread Loop is an option for an Action's Perform setting. What it does (as the name suggests) is reset the loop in the associated Thread so Chimpeon returns to the first Trigger (the topmost Trigger in the Triggers panel) assigned to that Thread.

Example: The following Triggers are assigned to the same Thread...


By default, Chimpeon would simply move through the Triggers in the following order...

Trigger1 (fired) > Trigger2 > Trigger3 (fired) > Trigger4 > Trigger1 > Trigger2 (fired) > Trigger3, etc

With the Reset Thread Loop option selected for the Perform setting of the final Action of each Trigger, Chimpeon would move through the Triggers in the following order...

Trigger1 (fired) > Trigger1 > Trigger2 > Trigger3 (fired) > Trigger1 > Trigger2 (fired) > Trigger1, etc

As you can see, when a Trigger is fired, the Reset Thread Loop option for the associated Action causes Chimpeon to start the loop again within the Thread. This makes it perfect for configuring a priority combat rotation.

Highest priority spells (Triggers) go at the top of the Triggers panel and work down to the lowest priority spells (Triggers) at the bottom.

Example: In an MMORPG, Ice Blast is the highest priority spell then Cannon Ball then Donkey Punch then Head Butt. Here is the order their associated Triggers would appear in the Triggers panel...

Ice Blast
Cannon Ball
Donkey Punch
Head Butt

The Ice Blast, Cannon Ball and Donkey Punch Triggers have the Reset Thread Loop option selected for the Perform setting of their final Action. When one of these Triggers is fired, its Actions are performed prior to the final "Reset Thread Loop" Action which causes Chimpeon to start checking Triggers within the same Thread again (Ice Blast > Cannon Ball, etc). This ensures Chimpeon always uses the spell with the highest priority.

UPDATED: 15 May 2021

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