Chimpeon has been automating games for

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Getting Chimpeon Working With a Game

If Chimpeon isn't working with your game then check out this guide to make sure it does

Getting Chimpeon Working With a Game image

If Chimpeon does not automate a game, perform each of the following actions in turn. Check to see if Chimpeon works after each action:

  1. Ensure Chimpeon is started - press the Start button or the Start hot key.
  2. Ensure the Send To setting for the Profile contains the name of the game you're playing. If using Splashtop, select the option that is the name of the Splashtop window where the screen content of the game is being streamed to. Do NOT select the Splashtop Personal option.
  3. Ensure the correct window of a game is selected for the Send To setting. Click the Send To setting list box; move the cursor over the game window; press the Ctrl key until the correct window is found.
  4. Ensure applicable Triggers, Conditions and Actions have their Active setting enabled (ticked).
  5. For certain games, keys and mouse actions sent by Chimpeon are only received if the game is the focussed (active) window. Focus the game window!
  6. Launch Chimpeon as an Administrator... Right-click the shortcut then select Run as Administrator.
  7. Specify a value (e.g. 100) for the Duration setting of each Action.
  8. If using Pixel Detection, ensure the pixel position is selected not just the pixel colour.
  9. If using Pixel Detection, ensure the pixel position in the game window hasn't moved due to a change in the resolution of the game window.
  10. If using Pixel Detection and the game window is being streamed, read the section called Detecting Pixels in a Streamed Window in the Using Chimpeon on a Remote PC guide.
  11. Ensure your Windows Scaling Level is set to 100%. If it isn't it can sometimes prevent the correct pixel color being selected. Control Panel > Display > Set A Custom Scaling Level.
  12. Ensure your game's Scaling Level is set to 100% or 1.0. If it isn't it can sometimes prevent the correct pixel color being selected.
  13. Ensure your antivirus software isn't preventing Chimpeon sending keystrokes and mouse actions to your game. Make Chimpeon an exception in your antivirus software, or temporarily exit or disable your antivirus software.
UPDATED: 23 April 2023

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